Monday, December 29, 2008

Advice Lesson #2

Don't ask questions of teenagers.  

They get highly offended if you care.  The flip side is, if you didn't ask questions, they'd get upset that you didn't care.  

Parenting teenagers is very challenging.  


"How strange that the young should always think the world is against them-when in fact that is the only time it is for them."  -Mignon McLaughlin


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Advice Lesson #1

Here's my advice on Meowing.  

Do not meow, actually say "Meow" to others.  They will make fun of you later on.  If you want to give them something to laugh about then go ahead and meow.  But if you aren't a cat, people will definitely think something is off with you.  


"Of all God's good creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash.  That one is the cat.  If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat."  -Mark Twain


Hootie's here too...

I will help offer OLDER words of wisdom.  

I have experienced death up close and personal.  I have been a kid, so I know how that feels and I am in the middle of raising kids of my own, so I might have some insight there.  I was a boy crazy teen and have been happily married for 22 years now.  Life is full of challenges and not all of it is happy or easy.  

I have an ear to lend and am a pretty good support person.  

Enough about me now.  If you need to know more just ask.  

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hello, I'm Stella and this is my blog.

Okay that sounded really cheezy.  But I would like people to give others advice from experiences that they have encountered themselves.  And please, you don't have to give any information about your adventures, although that is what makes blogging fun!  Just give your advice and you will help someone.  


If you don't have any advice you feel is worthy of giving, leave a short saying or poem by one of your favorite authors.